Taking The Time To Rest As A Teacher
Rest, dear teacher…
The 2021-2022 school year was the most challenging of my career. It was also the longest. It felt like it just kept going and going. Teaching Middle School is NOT what it was 10 years ago. This year, I experienced 9th grade level apathy from my 6th and 7th graders. However, my 8th graders also pushed me more than I’ve ever been pushed. In addition, I cried as much (or more) as my first year of teaching.
Reasons Why We Are Tired
I attribute all of this to the pandemic. The pandemic followed by hurricane Ida. It was all too much. Our time in virtual and hybrid “learning” seriously changed the way students view school. They also seem to have grown physically but their maturity is 2-3 years behind their bodies. Again, the pandemic. My current 7th graders have NEVER experienced real “middle school”. For those of you teaching high school, I’m sure you found yourself faced with teaching 6th or 7th graders in 9th grade bodies. Our students have been “surviving” in the same way we have over the last three years.
We are tired. They are tired.
You may be finished with school, you may still have 3 or 4 weeks left! I know if you’re in that place, those will feel like the longest weeks ever…
We deserve rest. Real rest.
Making A Plan To Rest
I decided back in December I needed to secure real rest for myself this summer. Beginning Monday, June 6th, I’m taking 21 days off. 3 whole weeks. NO work. All play. I am setting my email to “out of office” and disconnecting completely. I have WONDERFUL guests joining Viviana and Team LOCA for workshops on boundaries and self-care for La Familia Loca.
Last month, during some PQA in my 6th grade class, one of my students asked me what MY hobbies were outside of school… It made me cry in the middle of class. I realized I don’t “have” hobbies anymore… My whole world is what I do in my classroom and sharing it with teachers.
I can’t wait to rediscover different things that I love!
For example, I’ll be leading a “summer camp” for Isla and Memphis. Each day will be themed and full of much needed fun for all of us.
July is full of exciting opportunities for learning and connection. I’ll be at iFLT in Michigan, Conference in the Cloud (virtually), as well as various workshops around the country with school districts. Resting now will ensure I am ready to engage fully in the learning and planning that next month brings.
What Is Your Plan For Rest?
Whether you’re conferencing this summer or not, I hope you take a real solid chunk of time to disconnect and reconnect with yourself. Rediscover what bring you JOY and rest… Really rest…
I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve and work with you. I am grateful for your trust, love, kindness, and support. I’m grateful for what you give to this profession, and if you’re leaving the profession, retiring or just seeking something new, I am grateful for the time you’ve dedicated to our students.
Rest dear teacher, you deserve it….
We all do.
Until next time… (sometime after June) sending you Joy and gratitude,
La Maestra Loca