Brain Breaks Part 23: Just Dance!
Soooooooo lately I’ve been feeling a little burned out on the Wii Fit Obstacle Course Brain Break but it continues to be one of the funniest and most enjoyable…and it is AWESOME because you can still do it virtually! Kids are used to just doing it once every couple of weeks with me so it stays interesting and novel for them but for me…. with 12 different classes…. not so novel… but today… today was novel for ME and for THEM!

Today, right before class started I added a NEW screen share to Mmhmm. I am very lucky to be a Beta tester… Now, you don’t HAVE to use Mmhmm to do this Brain Break but it certainly adds to the entertainment… Basically, I have Zoom open, I keep it on gallery view so I can see the kids, but I use Mmhmm as my camera so they can keep me on speaker view, see my content (be it images, clip chats, or word walls), AND me at the same time. For the Brain Break I just share the YouTube window behind me full screen so I am seen dancing IN FRONT of the video…. If you are just using Teams, Meets, or Zoom, you can just screen share while you play the Just Dance video and you dance on the side with all the kids….
Here is a video of what KIDS see on Zoom:
Here is a video of how ridiculous I look in person… (I am teaching from a hotel lobby today because I am supporting a friend in Colorado who really needs me… as you can see, there is a LOT of space to move and that has been SUPER fun!)
YAY for Brain Breaks, yay for silliness, YAY for movement!
I hope y’all are doing well! (I know I am mostly NOT… lots of tears, lots of stress, extreme exhaustion… we are doing the impossible. You are NOT alone….)
Love you!
Until next time,
Stay happy (find the happy), stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane,
HAPPY TEACHING (they are bringing me so much joy, and I hope you’re finding those precious important moments too!)
La Maestra Loca

We must have been on the same wavelength – I attempted to screen share Just Dance COCO this morning (it was only the 2nd Spanish class of the school year) during Zoom – But it was a fail because the students could see my screen but could not hear the video (even though it was very audible in my teaching space… Somehow just dance video without any audio is not the greatest way to spend Zoom time, lol. Can you tell me HOW TO LET MY STUDENTS HEAR THE JUST DANCE (or any other) VIDEO DURING SCREEN SHARING ON ZOOM? (Upper case for emphasis – not meaning to shout, lol. The learning curve is steep here as far as technology. Ugh.
Hmmm you should see an option to share audio when you screen share… make sure you don’t mute and you have your volume on… hopefully others will respond too!!!!
super cool, greetings from Mexico.
Hola desde Idaho! Zoom wasn’t working today (I’m teaching virtually, but the students are at school with a super helpful long term sub). However Just Dance WakaWaka was in my Nearpod and I didn’t want to miss out. So the sub projected it to the screen and I copied what my students were doing. Hilarious (at least for me!)