Brain Breaks Part 22: GIVE ME ONE!

Hello my dear friends!

I was going through my pictures a couple of weeks ago to make a video compilation for my students for my usual end of the year “gift”. This year, I used InShot instead of Splice because it is a free alternative and it is just as easy to use! While doing that, I found this video I took the week before we went home for the anticipated “two weeks (ish)” of distance learning. Only to find out that we wouldn’t get to finish the year together… sigh (the demo of the Brain Break starts about 20 seconds in if you want to skip ahead)

I learned this one WITH my students but not as a brain break, rather as an attention getter. My school often partners with Live Oak, which offers summer camps and workshops for kids of all ages to become leaders. They instill the values of Kindness, Bravery, and Awareness in their campers. They lead us in team and culture building activities at the beginning of the year and this is how they would bring the 95 kids and adults back together again and get us to a voice level 0  in less than 5 seconds!

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I will often do it at the end of a brain break or I will tell kids to find a chair, the floor, their binders, or their laps to play on and we just play. This is a great one for the students to lead too! You just choose someone to yell out the “commands”. My students LOVE this. They love how rhythmic it is. They love how cool it sounds. It is a great community builder!Screen Shot 2020-06-05 at 4.54.10 PM

Here is the break down:

I almost never just say it in that order… I like to say “DAME UNO” (Give me one) and then from there mix up the order. For example, maybe say “DAME UNO” two or three times, then “DAME DOS” TWICE, then “DAME TRES” always saving “Break it down!” for the end… I always say something different at the end for Break it down… sometimes, “vámanos” sometimes “dámelo” do whatever feels best or let the kids feel it and decide!
I hope that you have a positive last couple of weeks with your students (I know some of you are wrapping up!) and if you’re finished congratulations!!! Don’t forget to join me in the SUNSational Summer challenge to kick off your summer of rest and relaxation! It’s just 10 days away! I am super excited!
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane!
Happy Teaching!
La Maestra Loca
My mommy and mother in love went to a sunflower field and brought some back for me… They make me so happy!