Photo Release and Consent Form

I know you wouldn’t know it lately, BUT one of my favorite things to do to support teachers around the world is post photos of my classroom (on my Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram) and videos of my lessons on my YouTube channel. Each student’s privacy is protected by FERPA so it is imperative that I take the time needed to receive parent consent for posting photos of their student’s learning experience on my teacher social media.


Even if your school has it’s own consent process for photos, in my opinion (and because of previous experiences) I believe it is important to receive specific permission from parents to use their child’s images or videos when it comes to YOUR teacher social media accounts. It has been a long process and it is still not over.  Since I am now teaching some elementary school grades (3rd and 4th) in addition to my Middle Schoolers, it means coordinating with lots of teachers and their various means of communicating with home. Most elementary teachers send home a weekly folder, in which I can send the consent form. The next step is recording parent responses, and returning the forms where guardians just signed and failed to indicate if they do or do not consent.

If you’d like to take the leap and start sharing the students’ experiences in your room, I highly encourage it! We can learn so much from each other! Here is my consent form if you’re interested in editing it to fit your needs.

One last piece of advice, I would CIRCLE the sections you need parents to complete BEFORE sending it home, it will help decrease the amount you have to return for clarification. 🙂

So, VERY soon I hope I will be back to inundating your social media feeds with photos and videos of my students and their classroom experiences! Until next time,

Happy Teaching!


La Maestra Loca



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