It’s ALLLLL good…

It’s actually all GREAT! Wonderful! Excellent!

We all teach in VERY different ways. We are all VERY unique individuals. Our different personalities show through in our teaching styles. Our classrooms all look and feel different.  Our approaches to teaching using Comprehensible Input are all VERY different.
That is not only OK, that is ESSENTIAL. What is important is that we are providing our students with MANY different forms of compelling, comprehensible input. I have been quite alarmed lately, by the amount of debate, some of it NOT so friendly, on the various CI teacher blogs and Facebook groups. All of the arguments are over what is the BEST way to teach using CI. This is just silly. We all are going to teach using CI differently. We are going to teach what is most comfortable to us. What is important is that we are all using CI and doing what is best for  our students.
Please, let’s remember that we need to keep our community of teachers STRONG if we want it to continue to grow, and let’s respect each other and worship and praise our differences and differences of opinions rather than tear each other down. Let’s remember that CI brought us all together in the first place and lets continue to share all of the AWESOME, DIFFERENT ways we are playing with it in our classrooms! That is what is important. I am THANKFUL today for my CI community, and excited to see how its diverse teachers continue to create, and experiment with the INFINITE possibilities that Teaching with CI provides us! YAY!
Happy Thanksgiving!
La Maestra Loca


  1. So eloquently put! I always say, “When it comes to CI, let’s major on the majors, and minor on the minors.” You are so right in saying that the very fact that we are implementing CI and doing what’s best for our students are the common goals which should bring us together – the “hows” is what is causing divisions. Preach!

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